Thursday, November 27, 2008

for kara :D

Write about an intense game of Scrabble that takes an ugly turn for the worse.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey all, here is a new poem I was working on. If you get a chance, let me know what you think. I wrote this in response to reading the a translation of LRRH -- not the Disney or Grimm version... and it freaked me out. Here is a link to it:
So enjoy!

Little Red Riding Hood

I’m caught staring into a bleeding lunar eclipse
by a wolf
who wants to take me home
licking his glimmering white teeth
those teeth like shattered stars against the blue night
I straighten my little black dress
and pull close my little red hood
and teeter like a three year old in my high heels
If by chance I smile
a slight curiosity
place my finger in the ‘O’ of my lips
little wondering girl
with wandering eyes and a bottle
of milk for my grandmother
I’m asking for it
a wolf is asking which street I will take
telling me to check the sale on cardigans
on lace camisoles
on peek-a-boo toe slingbacks
on fishnet tights
around the block
on pins and needles

When I arrive home swinging
shopping bags in both hands
is he waiting
because I was asking for it
Even if
I smile at seeing him
on my bed dressed in women’s clothing
with strong hairy arms
the better to keep me
warm and hold me
handing me a glass of bloody wine
force feeding me
grandmother’s fresh flesh
slapping my thigh
with sharpened claws the better
to tear through me with

A slut is she who does what she pleases
with out asking
for it
Undressing for a wolf
as a child asking
where should I put my
little red hood
little black dress
little sheer stockings
little white panties
why into the fire
for little girls have no need
for clothes when they’re trapped
in the bed of a wolf

If I cry
‘O my’
a desperate plea to flee
into the bathroom
naked, smeared, and on fire
roses burning alive with my new camisole
unable to escape
barred in my own house
of my own doing
mother would say I shouldn’t
to strangers
should I use this rope tied tight
around my left ankle to end my suffering
do I run home to mother
or back to the wolf in my bed?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

To start us off....

So, since I am studying away for the GRE, I thought a fun exercise would be to play around with words a bit.

Everyone find 5-10 words that are a mix between words you did not know before and words that sound cool. So to do this you can either flip randomly through the dictionary or go to (my fav site). After everyone has posted their words and the definitions, we can each create a piece (poem, essay, short story, whatever) that includes some of the words.

So here are mine:

Loquacious- talkative
Misanthrope- person who dislikes others
Irascible- easily angered
Cacophony- harsh noise
Zephyr- gentle breeze, soft light fabric, or something that is airy
Vexillology- the study of flags
Brummagem- cheap and showy
Flibbertigibbet- silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person
Woebegone- woeful, run down
Gimcrack- showy but worthless or useless object


Saturday, July 12, 2008

i'm in trouble because i have not posted in so long

State a fact about the person you like?
He can play the bass, the guitar, the drums, and sing. He is truly a one-man-band

What happened at 11:00 am today?
I was at the eye doctor with Tom, watching Tom (hilariously, I might add) put in his contacts for the first time.

What are you excited for?
To get off work... because it sucks

Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?

What is the last thing someone bought you?
Tom bought me some doughnuts and milk this morning for breakfast, and If he does not count, my mom paid for me to get into the pool on Friday

When was the last time you saw your mom?
Friday at the pool

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "A".
Ashley, a sister of mine

Do plan on moving in the next year?
Perhaps... depends on if and where I get into grad school

What is your current problem?
Currently... mean people... I just had to call a client's family to let them know she was in the ER and they were quite rude... and I quote "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? WHO IS THIS THAT I AM TALKING TO?!"

Who was the last person to lay in your bed besides you?
Tommy Tom Wayne

Who was the last person you saw?
A client who was out of her room past nine... uhhhhhhh

Who was the last person to freak you out?
A client who I thought went AWOL but was just sitting in her mom's car... uhhhhh

Something you say when your mad?
Son of a mother

Have you cried today at all? Almost, I will right now if the night shift person does not get here!

Are you ticklish?

Are you happy right now?
Right now, right now? No because I want to go home. I hate working 3-11 shifts. In the big picture, yes... but I am really starting to not like my job, which takes up most of my time.

Have you made a mistake this past week?
Yes, I forgot to mail my husband's net flix movie back... he was somewhat upset several days later when he had not gotten the next movie.

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
Yes, lots of Crystals, very few Krystals, and no Krystal Jo Howards

When was the last time you really laughed?
Last night, we saw Dave Benson at the Funny Bone... fuuuuuunny stuff.

Did you have a nap today?
Of course. I had a nap at like noon... I always have my nap! :)

Do you have any regrets?
Ehh... maybe I hold grudges too long... maybe I should learn to get over things...

Do you use an alarm clock?
Yessums, I have a tiny one that has beeps that start soft and gradually get louder.... because loud loud alarms scare me.

Do you work?
Yep, I have several jobs. House of Mercy-Teen Resident Counselor, Drake Writing Tutor, and Coffee Shop Employee... right now just the first one though

Do you have a tan?
Yep I tan easily, so even though I am not lifeguarding it up this summer, I have been at the pool a few times.

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
A client

What were you doing at 5 this morning?
Sleeping... who gets up at five... icky

Monday, July 7, 2008

Survey says...

State a fact about the person you like?
He has not yet followed through on his promise to make me an elaborate dinner, but our anniversary is fast approaching.

What happened at 11:00 am today?
I started getting excited about the fresh peapods I brought for lunch.
What are you excited for?Having an evening to myself tonight. We've had out of town friends visiting the past two weekends, which is great, but I eventually just want a few hours to sit and read quietly.

Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?
Not today, though I do end up wearing Dan's socks at least twice a week.

What is the last thing someone bought you?
My friend Kelsey, who was visiting this weekend, bought us a variety of treats from Nan's Nummies, including Dutch letters and chocolate caramel pretzels. Needless to say, they have all been devoured.

When was the last time you saw your mom?Yesterday when we barbequed.
Name someone whose name starts with the letter "A".
Ooh! Me! I win!

Do plan on moving in the next year?No! I'm done with moving. I've even been throwing out our boxes, some of which we've had since college, so convinced am I that we are staying here for several years.

What is your current problem?
Mosquito bites.

Who was the last person to lay in your bed besides you?This is Dan's late morning, so I'm guessing he stayed in bed for quite awhile.

Who was the last person you saw?
Last night we had a bring-your-own-bruschetta-party, that didn't work out as well as we hoped because everyone brought olives (and I only just barely tolerate olives). So I saw a lot of olive-bearing people there.

Who was the last person to freak you out?
I don't think I've been freaked out in awhile.

Something you say when your mad ?
So...I've been watching Battlestar Galactica and I might have to start saying frak.

Have you cried today at all?

Are you ticklish?
In a few places.

Are you happy right now?
Happy enough with the big picture, but, as Kara alluded to, there are always details that keep you from fully enjoying an otherwise good place in life.

Have you made a mistake this past week?
I make mistakes all the time. Usually after a social gathering, I can think of at least two things I wish I hadn't said. (Last night, I wish I hadn't been the first person to blurt out "of course" when someone asked if we'd ditch our spouse at an awkward dinner party, a la Jim's attempt to flee Michael and Jan's condo.)

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
I don't know her, but when I google myself (we all do that sometimes, right?), I get some hits for a girl who won a trumpet competition in Ireland. Good job, other Alison Looney!

When was the last time you really laughed?
In my dream last night, I was laughing really, really hard at something, but now I can't remember the details.

Did you have a nap today?
Nah, naps just make me groggy. I'm better off powering through the afternoon and going to bed early.

Do you have any regrets?
Minor ones - but even when I wonder if my life would have been improved by different choices, I don't think I'd actually go back and change anything at this point.

Do you use an alarm clock?
Cell phone and plug in - occasionally one of them fails, so it's good to have both.

Do you work?
I sit in a cublicle for eight hours a day, that's for sure.

Do you have a tan?
My arms are actually slightly darker than my stomach, as I sometimes note in the shower, but I'm definitely pale.

What were you doing at 5 this morning?
It's been a long time since I've dealt with 5:00 a.m., either from staying up late or getting up early.

Friday, June 27, 2008

This only took me all day to do. And also, I'm not spellchecking it.

Okay, I hate to even preface this with an apology, because it seems like everything I post or share is done this way (did I just actually apologize for apologizing?!), but I'm not overly impressed with the content of these questions. I had hoped to find something with halfway thought-provoking material, but when the majority of my search was on myspace, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Anyway....everyone can just use mine and delete the answers and type in your own. (Aren't you glad I'm giving you instructions like this is a new and difficult process for us all?)

State a fact about the person you like?

He can suck on his own toes. (But I'm totally not telling you who I'm referring to, so now you're all left to contemplate the flexibility of all of the guys in my life.)

What happened at 11:00 am today?
Get back to me in 38 minutes. Or call Dill Mogolov if you can't wait that long. (Krystal: Dill Mogolov is an alleged mind reader who Breona accidentally booked a show for at the coffee shop. He was also the topic of our writing prompt on Tuesday evening.)

What are you excited for?
I *was* excited for Heather's (my future sister-in-law) bachelorette party tomorrow night. But then I found out that the one time I assumed my parents could babysit they actually have plans on a weekend. So now instead of actually doing my hair and looking halfway cute and enjoying adult beverages with a group of women, I'll be feeding, bathing, and playing with my baby and then watching TV before falling asleep on the couch after I put him to sleep. I guess that's what you sign up for when you go and get yourself pregnant, huh?

Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone
Not that I'm aware of. But my underwear was inspected by #26. I know this because she (I PRAY that it was a she) placed her sticker on the crotch of my new undies. That's weird, right?

What is the last thing someone bought you?

Erik bought me lunch on Wednesday. It was his turn to pay. (Although technically Brian picked up some deodorant for me two nights ago. That just seemed like a less cool answer.)

When was the last time you saw your mom?
About twenty minutes ago. (I'm so disappointed with myself for not being able to come up with something funny to a question with the phrase "your mom" in it.)

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "A".

Ricky. The "a" is silent. And invisible.

Do plan on moving in the next year?
Nope. I really like our house, and I have high hopes to someday decorate it and actually make it look like we live there.

What is your current problem?
Probably that I can't seem to get this blog posted. I started typing this about 10:00 this morning, and it's currently 1:38. Also, I can't seem to motivate myself to do the dozen or so things that I *should* be doing at the coffee shop instead of this. :)

Who was the last person to lay in your bed besides you?
Brian and Brutus. I'm not sure who was the last one out of bed this morning, but my money is on Brutus. That dog does NOT like mornings.

Who was the last person you saw?
Caroline, Ryan, and Charlie. They're regular customers, and to be quite honest, I've come to find all three of them extremely endearing. (Plus Ryan is letting me pick a winner out of a writing contest that he's giving one of his summer classes. The prompt is going to be a picture of the mural in the coffee shop, so he thought it was fitting that I judge the assignment. Please note: I can ALWAYS be bribed in this fashion.)

Who was the last person to freak you out?

I'm bored with these types of questions. But in order to play along, I'll say that it was the kid who comes in to use the internet but feels no need to buy anything. I'd say he annoys me more than freaks me out, but the general consensus is that he's slightly creepy, so he seems like a good answer to this question.

Something you say when your mad ?

Mother f-er. And if I'm REALLY mad, I say the actual "f" word. Shocking, yeah?

Have you cried today at all?
Cried? No. Complained, felt sorry for myself, and just in general lazed around? Yes.

Are you ticklish?
Like you wouldn't believe.

Are you happy right now?
In the grand scheme of things, yes. I actually have never been happier (which is a terrifying place for a pessimist to be). But in this moment, right now? I'm kind of stressed and tired.

Have you made a mistake this past week?
I forgot to pay my employees. That seems like a pretty big mistake. (Seriously, how have I held this business together for four years? It's a complete mystery, isn't it?)

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
I would be extremely shocked if there were another Kara Ohorilko in this world. But I do know several Karas .

When was the last time you really laughed?
Two nights ago at the dinner table when Max was flapping his arms like a crazy, birdlike creature. Brian and I both could barely breathe we were laughing so hard. It was actually probably some type of Hallmark moment. Or maybe a slightly weird Hallmark moment. Either way, I liked it.

Did you have a nap today?
Ha! Naps, unfortunately area thing of the distant past. I greatly look forward to the day when I can take naps again. (Does that make me slightly pathetic?)

Do you have any regrets?
I don't do the regret thing. I never have. You try to reflect on your decisions, good and bad, and then you just hope that you remember that reflection in the future when similar stuff comes up. That's life according to Kara.

Do you use an alarm clock?
I set my radio alarm for 5:12 and hit sleep 4 times every day. Brian's cell phone alarm starts going off around 5:30, and then I reset the radio alarm for 6:15. We need all the help we can get waking up at our house.

Do you work?
I have trouble calling something that I love so much (overall, not on a moment-by-moment basis) work. But yeah, judging by how tired at the end of every day, I work.

Do you have a tan?
White is the new black, haven't you heard? Uhhhh....that just doesn't sound right, but I'm still going with it.

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
My mom. It's not her fault, but I really would have liked it if she wasn't going out of town tomorrow night.

What were you doing at 5 this morning?
Telling myself that I could hold it in and go to the bathroom in 40-ish minutes. I HATE getting up any earlier than I'm supposed to.

Monday, May 26, 2008

two prompts

Re-write a classic fairy tale: either by changing something that happens in the plot to make it have a not-so-happily-ever-after ending or by writing the story from another character's perspective. Or write your own fairy tale: it can be like a classic or totally different with some weird twists.


Bust out your dictionary, and randomly pick ten or so words that you find really interesting, fun to say, or that you don't even know what they mean; use them to write a poem.